Preparing Your Pet for Fireworks Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer
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Preparing Your Pet for Fireworks

Preparing Your Pet for Fireworks
June 23, 2024

While fireworks displays are enjoyed by many, our furry companions may not share the same enthusiasm. The loud noises can trigger anxiety symptoms in dogs, such as pacing, panting, and excessive drooling.

  • Seeing your dog distressed can be tough. Luckily, there are ways to help ease their anxiety and provide comfort during noisy events.
  • A lot of dogs experience a "noise phobia," an irrational fear of loud sounds like fireworks and thunderstorms.
  • You can prepare your dog for fireworks in advance by creating a safe space, using an anxiety vest, or administering anti-anxiety medication.
  • Signs of noise phobia:
    • constant barking/crying
    • hiding
    • house soiling
    • pacing
    • excessive panting and shaking
    • drooling


What can I do ahead of holiday fireworks to help calm my anxious dog?

The best way to deal with your dog’s noise anxiety is to work with them ahead of a triggering event. Below are eight strategies you can try out before the next fireworks display in your area.

  1. Create a designated safe space for your dog using a quiet area filled with their favorite chew toys. Encourage them to spend time there daily, offering treats to associate the space with safety and security.
  2. To help your dog adjust to fireworks, play a recording of the sounds at a low volume and gradually increase it. Accept if your dog doesn't become accustomed to the noise.
  3. Consider using a pressure vest, also known as an anxiety wrap or thundershirt, to apply gentle pressure to your dog's torso. Research suggests that pressure vests can help reduce stress in dogs when used regularly.
  4. Taking long walks before and during fireworks can help relieve stress for dogs by tiring them out, potentially keeping them relaxed during the noise.
  5. Identify your pet by updating tags with current contact information and getting them microchipped to prevent them from running away during stressful events like fireworks. Keep the microchip information up-to-date.
  6. Consider hiring a reputable dog trainer recommended by your vet to modify your pup's anxious behaviors and encourage desired behaviors.
  7. If you believe your dog may need anxiety medication for fireworks, consult your vet for a prescription to have on hand.

What can I do during holiday fireworks to help calm my anxious dog?

Whether you’ve done the above prep work or not, you can take steps on the night of a fireworks event to calm your anxious pup:

  • Play soothing music. Studies show that classical music may calm a stressed out pet. You could also try turning on a fan, white noise machine, or the TV to drown out the noise.
  • Play with your pet. Distract your dog by playing fetch, tug-of-war, or any other game they can enjoy indoors.
  • Remain calm. Comfort your pet and reassure them that everything is OK. You’re their ultimate source of comfort and keeping your cool will help them keep theirs.

What are signs of pet anxiety during fireworks?

You can usually tell when your dog is anxious. They become agitated just like people. It’s their way of telling you they’ve got the jitters and they need you.

An anxious pup may display the following behaviors:

  • Aggression
  • Barking more than normal
  • Drooling
  • Panting
  • Displaying destructive behavior, like chewing the blinds
  • Hiding
  • Pacing
  • Peeing or pooping in the house
  • Appearing restless
  • Displaying repetitive or compulsive behaviors
  • Trembling
  • Trying to escape or run away
  • Whining or whimpering

For firework anxiety in dogs, consider anti-anxiety medications like Trazodone and alprazolam (Xanax), which can take 1 to 2 hours to take effect. Contact 678-985-5530 for a prescription.

Sileo gel is used to treat dogs afraid of loud noises, while antidepressants like amitriptyline and fluoxetine help with separation anxiety and aggression. These medications require a vet's prescription and are part of a broader behavior treatment plan for dogs.

Benadryl, an antihistamine considered safe for most dogs, can make them sleepy but may not help with severe anxiety. It is recommended for situations like car rides rather than fireworks. Consult a vet for the correct dose to avoid overdosing your dog.

There isn't enough evidence to support using CBD oil for noise anxiety in dogs due to variability in products. It's best to consult with a vet for guidance on CBD oil use for pets.


The bottom line

Noise anxiety related to fireworks is a common issue for our furry friends. However, there are steps you can take to prepare your dog in advance. 

Start by giving your pet a safe space to hang out in every day. Fill it with toys, treats, and soothing music or soft firework sounds. And talk to your vet about medication. They may prescribe your dog anti-anxiety medication to have on hand.